DIY Home Renovation Disasters and How to Avoid Them

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DIY Home Renovation Disasters and How to Avoid Them

DIY home renovation projects can be a great way for homeowners to save money and reinvent an outdated space. Unfortunately, these projects do not always go to plan. Our team at Custom Decor has listed some of the worst DIY disasters and how you can avoid them.

  • Kitchen cabinet flops

Homeowners who redecorate their kitchen without the help of a designer often get caught up in colour coordination and wind up matching their kitchen cabinets with the counters and walls. Coordinating all of these elements can often lead to a dull, washed-out looking space. Break up the colour scheme in your kitchen by choosing cabinets that contrast the rest of the space.

Homeowners who opt to add crown moulding to their kitchens often make the mistake of following the line of the ceiling, rather than the kitchen cabinets. Consulting with a home renovation professional is always the safest way to ensure a successful kitchen cabinet design and installation.

  • Refrigerator fails

The refrigerator is a DIY project that only the brave will take on. There are countless instances of homeowners placing their refrigerator against a wall or kitchen cabinets that stop the doors from opening or smash against various objects every time they do. 

The team at Custom Decor can help you make the perfect plan for your kitchen. We’ll give you our advice on where to put that fridge so it compliments your space.

  • Dangerous DIY slip-ups

DIY projects that involve plumbing or electrical work should be done very carefully. Homeowners often fail to take the proper safety precautions and risk dangerous electrical shorts or leaks.

Examples include electrical wires that could cut through the sheathing and cause a fire, or improperly vented appliances that could cause a carbon monoxide leak in your home.

When it comes to these tasks, we recommend hiring a professional. You should never take chances with your home, and asking for help is the best way to keep everyone safe.

Contact Custom Decor

Our experts at Custom Decor are here to help you with all of your home renovations so that you do not run into any of these problems. Whether you are looking for new kitchen cabinets, or you want to freshen up the flooring in your home, our knowledgeable staff can help. Contact us today for more information and a free estimate